Funeral Wishes

Sheffield Funeral Celebrant Funeral Wishes.JPG

Talking about death & dying is not a joyous topic of conversation at any time, especially after a pandemic, but research shows it brings peace of mind to everyone once the conversations have been had.

Next-of-kin asked about organising a funeral said that if they knew what their loved one wanted in their funeral because they’d been told, it gave them great comfort knowing they were honouring their wishes.

Not knowing what a person wanted for their funeral can leave organisers feeling lost & anxious at a time when they are already dealing with their grief.

I have a Free “Funeral Wishes” form which can be downloaded & printed off to give to a loved one.

It will help prompt thoughts & conversations about someone’s funeral wishes.

Why not leave it with someone with the words... “I saw this on the internet & thought you might want to have a look at it. If you don’t, don’t worry, just leave it”.

This then leaves some paper with questions on it for someone to look at when they’re ready rather than surprising them with a conversation they don’t feel ready for.

Many people however, find that they actually appreciate the prompt. Research has found that it gives the same peace of mind as writing a will or paying for a funeral plan. Many people who are older or have a terminal illness don’t bring up the topic of their funeral for fear of upsetting their loved ones. So if a loved one brings it up - it’s a relief.