Traditional Wedding Ceremony with a Celebrant

Whilst some couples choose a Wedding Celebrant because they want a totally unique & spectacular wedding ceremony, many couples choose to have a Wedding Celebrant because whilst they want a traditional looking wedding ceremony, they also want it to feel warm, happy & personalised.

Most of my couples do their “legal form-filling marriage ceremony” a week or two before their wedding. For just £46 +£11 for their legal marriage certificate, they can then have their wedding ceremony at a time they choose to have it on their big day. Their ceremony doesn’t have to be dictated by the diary of Registrars.

With a Celebrant-led wedding, couples will have their guests treated to a warm & personal welcome to their wedding ceremony. The couple will make personal vows & promises to each other. Most celebrants offer a range of styles for the wedding vows to be delivered. Every couple is different & so the couple get to choose what’s right for them.

The symbolic ring exchange is a great highlight in every wedding ceremony & normally proceeds “the kiss”.

Couples can choose to have a commemorative wedding certificate signing either by just themselves or many choose to have their two witnesses from their legal marriage ceremony to join them.

Here, in Sheffield’s Kelham Island Museum, Olivia & Jonathan have just read their personal vows & promises to each other from specially handcrafted booklets. Best man, Eric, helps with the ring exchange.

To find out more about how I could write & deliver a personal & beautiful wedding ceremony for you, please see my website & feel free to get in touch with me for a chat.

Nearly all my available dates are now booked for weddings in June-September 2023, so please don’t delay in making enquiries. I have already had to disappoint a number of couples. However, if I am not available on your wedding day, I am very happy to recommend other Wedding Celebrants to you who may be free.

Venue: @kelhamislandweddings
📸: @essieloutriffittphotography