Jumping the Broom at a Wedding

Wedding Celebrant David Willis from Acorn 2 Oak Ceremonies leads Jumping the Broom at Bev and Andy's Dorset Wedding

A great ritual to end a wedding ceremony is “Jumping the Broom”. Especially for couples wanting to do something a bit different to celebrate a second marriage. Who says a second wedding has to be quiet & discreet? With a Wedding celebrant couples can have whatever style of ceremony they wish.

Sharing a life with another person requires a leap of faith. So when a couple jump the broom at their wedding the leap they take together is both actual & symbolic. The broomstick represents the couple’s wish to sweep away the old to make way for the new.

Jumping the broom is a wedding ritual which dates back to the 1700s & many believe originated in Wales.

When Parliament first made civil marriage legal in 1836, the Church of England was not happy about it & so referred to all non-church weddings as “broomstick weddings” as a term of insult.

However, the insult backfired, as the broomstick wedding ritual became popular amongst couples who wanted to make a proud declaration that their marriage was a marriage between equals, between mutually respectful partners, where they dedicate themselves to working together through tough times ahead as well as the easy times.

Jumping the Broom is a great way to involve family & friends. For example, two people need to hold the broomstick. Bev & Andy pictured here, both have adult children from previous relationships & so it fell on Andy’s grandchildren, Kia & Connor to help. They had great fun, as did all the guests who got involved counting down to “The Jump”. And because once is not enough… they did it twice to ensure we had the loudest noise, the highest jump & the best photos taken.

Get in touch if you want to know more.

Jumping the Broom with David Willis Wedding Celebrant