How planning a Funeral Service can help with grief

Sheffield Funeral Celebrant Coffin Grief.JPG

The planning of a funeral service for a loved one is a helpful activity when struggling with grief.

The focus & need to get the job done can bring a timely reason to leave “what if...” thoughts to one side which can be emotionally draining.

Having to make decisions like: which funeral director to use, what type of coffin & what flowers to have, brings about its own acceptance that a person you have loved has actually died.

Working with a celebrant on planning the actual funeral service can also bring some comfort. Choosing music & poems or readings helps to get the bereaved thinking deeply about the person who has died in a helpful way. Talking to me or any other celebrant about the life we are celebrating often helps to focus the mind on those aspects of a person’s life we are thankful for. As a civil celebrant, I won’t talk about my beliefs about life after death, it’s not relevant. Instead I will actively listen to the next of kin. My job is to make sure the funeral reflects the values & beliefs of my client.

Talking about the person who has died, describing their personality, telling stories of their happiest memories & even describing their moment of death, is difficult, can be upsetting, but I have always found it brings comfort & support to those who are grieving.

I am proud & feel privileged in the role I & other celebrants do, to support the bereaved.

Feel free to get in touch to find out more or see my website for more details: