End of life memorial celebrant David Willis Acorn2oak Ceremonies.jpg
Posts tagged death
How planning a Funeral Service can help with grief

The planning of a funeral service for a loved one is a helpful activity when struggling with grief. The focus & need to get the job done can bring a timely reason to leave “what if...” thoughts to one side which can be emotionally draining. Working with a celebrant on planning the actual funeral service can also bring some comfort.

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When Someone Dies Long Before Their Time

When someone dies, what feels like, long before their time, the grief stages of denial, anger & bargaining can feel particularly long & challenging. It is quite normal for people in shock & grief to frequently ask of themselves or of others: “what if...”

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What are the 5 Stages of Grief?

Grief takes it own time. Whilst there is much evidence for “the 5 stages of grief” that most people feel when living with loss or bereavement, everyone is different with how & for how long they experience each stage. So what are the “5 stages of Grief?”

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