How to find hope when all seems lost

Grief and world events can easily lead to a long and drawn out depression. When this occurs, we have to be kind to ourselves and rest, connect with other people and the world of nature as this helps us to consider a different train of thought.

The wind will drop its fury, the waters will fall, the clouds will pass over & the sun will always rise.

In a world of extreme weather, a climate emergency, global pandemics & unfathomable man-made conflict, its important to remember that love & human kindness is enduring, just like the natural life cycle of birth, life & death.

Time perhaps to appreciate the days more: the here and now, our luck & fortune, those who give unconditional love to you & people you don’t know who show small & selfless acts of kindness.

We only live one life. Let’s make it matter & celebrate it. Depression feeds on isolation and loneliness. Remember to connect with other people and with nature. It will help.

📸: @thesherburnrambler