What is a rose or flower ceremony?

A popular symbolic unity ritual within a modern celebrant-led ceremony is the rose or flower ceremony.

It involves the couple distributing single roses to a specific number of guests at their wedding (this is carefully thought through and pre-planned obviously). For example: 5 women who are family or friends from one side of the couple and 5 women from family or friends from the other member of the couple.

The guests then, in turn come forward and place their rose into a single central vase. The roses once divided, then become a single bouquet as a symbol of the unity that now binds the couple, their families and friends.

It might be different coloured roses are selected, or different long stemmed flowers. The resulting bouquet can then be dried as a lasting and beautiful keepsake in the home.

It is a wonderful way to finish a wedding ceremony where flowers are already featuring strongly as in the bridal bouquet, bridal headwear, button holes, venue and wedding arch decoration.

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The rose or flower ceremony can feature in a number of my wedding ceremonies. Feel free to get in touch to find out more.