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Posts tagged love and marriage
Love Is By Susan Pulis Schutz

Love is: the freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experiences with the other person, the growth of one individual alongside of and together with the growth of another individual.

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To Love Is Not To Possess By James Kavanagh

A Beautiful poem about love and marriage is a wonderful way to make your wedding ceremony romantic and relaxed. It gives time for the couple and their guests to pause, relax and listen to some wonderfully crafted words. This is one of my favourites.

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Honeymoons in 2021

Debate over the Green & Amber list of foreign travel destinations has got me thinking about honeymoons. For couples getting married this year, their honeymoon may be very different to what they had always dreamed of. So what is the origins of the “honeymoon” anyway? Is it a year to go back to its roots?

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Why Marriage? By Mari Nicholls-Haining

There are so many poems & passages from texts which can reflect the style, personality & love story of the couple in their wedding ceremony. Used either as extracts or as readings by friends or family, I will help you find the right words to make your wedding ceremony unique, personal & meaningful. This wonderful poem by Mari Nichols-Haining appeals to many couples.

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Marriage involves both Monday Mornings and Saturday Nights

Mother-in-law advice should rarely be ignored….especially when she is right. I decided to share this quote with you this morning in honour of my mother-in-law who is now 90 years young. She told my then fiancé & I these wise words of advice after telling her that we’d got engaged to be married.

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